Useful Contacts
We have put together a handy list of useful contacts for carers in Oxfordshire.
Carer support
Oxfordshire County Council services
Adult Social Care – Oxfordshire’s offering to help adults live independently.
0345 050 7666
Out-of-hours Duty Social Worker – A county-wide service that deals with urgent social work needs outside of normal office hours.
0800 833 408
Live Well Oxfordshire – A directory that shows a wide range of support groups and services within Oxfordshire.
01235 849410
Independent services & charities
Carers UK – National information and advice service for carers.
0808 808 7777
Age UK Oxfordshire – Enabling older people to live their lives to the full.
0345 450 1276
Dementia Oxfordshire – Age UK Oxfordshire’s dementia support service provides help to everyone living with dementia in Oxfordshire.
01865 410210
Oxford Rethink Mental Illness – Local support for carers of people living with a mental illness.
Carents Room – Information and connections for those who need to ensure their parents get the best possible care.
Be Free Young Carers – Local charity supporting young carers.
01235 838554
Small Good Stuff – Find local, small providers of care and/or support.
Carers poetry – A platform for poems written by carers, also runs poetry workshops.
Care Quality Commission – The independent regulator of health and social care in England. You can search their database to see the ratings of local health and social care services.
SEND & family support
Oxfordshire County Council services
Oxfordshire Family Information Service – Provides information and support for children, young people and families in Oxfordshire.
01865 323332
Children’s services – Oxfordshire’s local offering to help protect children.
SENDIASS Oxfordshire – Advice and support for parents and carers of children with SEND.
01865 810516 (weekdays 9.30am – 2.30pm and answerphone outside these hours)
Independent services & charities
Oxfordshire Family Support Network – Supports families of people with learning disabilities to navigate the complex care support system.
07821 987 080
Oxford Creators – Empowering 8 – 18-year-olds who have been failed by the education system. Provides mentoring, mental health support, employability skills and fitness sessions.
Home-Start Oxfordshire – Offering support, friendship, and practical help for families of young children.
Family Fund – supporting families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people, providing grants and services that ease daily pressures and improve quality of life.
Other important contacts
Mental health support
Samaritans – National mental health support line.
116 123
Oxfordshire Mind – Local advice and support for anyone struggling with their mental health.
01865 247788
Oxfordshire Talking Therapies – Free NHS therapy service.
01865 901 222
Financial & housing support
Turn 2 Us – National charity providing financial advice.
0808 802 2000
Money Helper – Government guidance for finances and pensions. Useful calculators for savings, pensions, care, and more.
0800 138 7777
Better Housing Better Health – A service that can help you improve the energy efficiency of your home to save money.
0800 107 0044
Oxfordshire Specialist Advice – A dedicated phone line and email to walk you through your entitlements to benefits, budgeting, and welfare issues in Oxfordshire.
01865 410660
Other support
National Sleep Helpline – Advice for sleeping issues, whether that’s for yourself or for your child.
03303 530 541
Getting Oxfordshire Online – Providing training and devices to help people get online.
01235 424715
Digital support – Age UK Oxfordshire can help you improve your digital competency.
Home Library Service – Delivers books and audio-visual items to those who struggle to physically visit a library.
01865 810259
British Red Cross wheelchair hire – Offering comfortable, safe, and reliable manual wheelchairs.
01235 552664