Meet the Team

The Carers Oxfordshire Team

Our team lives in Oxfordshire and is based in the local community. This means we understand the area you live in. Many of our staff have been carers or are currently carers themselves, therefore we understand the highs and lows of caring. We know that caring can be stressful and lonely, while also being incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.

Head of Service

Juliet Cocks

Adviser Team

Mel Wilkinson
Adviser Team Manager
Christine Stanbridge
Carers Adviser
North Oxfordshire

Rachael Liddell
Carers Adviser
West Oxfordshire
Cath Evans
Carers Adviser
The Vale of White Horse
Liz Thomas
Carers Adviser
South Oxfordshire

Merisha Anderson
Carers Adviser
Oxford City and Young Adult Carers Specialist
Emma Hessian
Carers Adviser
East Oxfordshire
Trish Heron
Carers Adviser
South Oxfordshire

Outreach Team

Fiona Macpherson
Outreach Team Manager
Becci Cox
Outreach Worker
Oxford City
Karen Thornett
Outreach Worker
South Oxfordshire
Moira Collier
Outreach Worker
North Oxfordshire
Jennie Cooke
Outreach Worker
East Oxfordshire
Tracy Ellis
Outreach Worker
Oxford City
Bergljot Nornes
Outreach Worker
West Oxfordshire

Office Support

Louise Griffiths
Triage Co-ordinator

Vicky Steaman

Matt Carter
Short Breaks Coordinator